Friday, September 2, 2011

Getting Better

So this week has been better in terms of "big" events with Oz. He's still driving Teri nuts. He ate half her breakfast yesterday. He keeps jumping up at the front window when people & dogs go by. Fortunately, no breakage this time.

Radar decided to make a meal out of the ends of the blinds earlier this week. That little shit will chew on anything. Yesterday he ate a crab shell that Aaron was using for a model for a print. There was still some dried up crab in there so we were a little worried he was going to get sick. Fortunately not. He's fine. Then there was some other bone like thing in their studio he chewed on too.

Oz is lying down peacefully right now on the kitchen floor. This has become a more frequent event as well.

Oops ... well ... so much for that. He just barfed up who knows what. Okay, well, off to clean that up!

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