Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oz and the Anvil

So weekend before last I had to drive up to Chico. Chico is about 3 hours from Oakland. North East. Chico is probably most famous for micro brew beer and Cal State Chico. No correlation I am sure.

Why was I driving to Chico? To pick up an Anvil of course! I bought the anvil on eBay the week prior. Anvils being heavy are expensive to ship. So when I found one within driving distance I jumped at it.

Teri was working that day and I didn't want to dump Oz on Hayley & Aaron so I decided to take him with me. I figured it would be a good bonding exercise for us, it would get him out of the house, and it would allow me to "road test" him a bit. Y'know, the whole car sick thing.

So at 6:00 a.m. I loaded Oz up, taking the shock collar just in case, and an extra leash and off we went. He was ampy and active until about Martinez and then he chilled, layed down and settled in for the ride. With the exception of a few time where he wanted to watch out front and nearly moved into the passengers seat, all went well.

We stopped at a mini mart on the way back. I got him some water and me a diet coke. He was really good. He emptied three bowls of water, got back in the Xterra, in one jump as always. I have to get a video of that. It's amazing. Sit to truck, one smooth motion. Then we headed west on 32, south on 5, I missed the 505 and ended up in Sacramento, of course. That added another hour to the trip. Boy was I pissed!

Anyway, after an entire day of being in the car, Oz was still going good.

Now, if he only had oposable thumbs, he could help me get that thing out of the Xterra!

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