Thursday, August 25, 2011

The walk went good this morning. He's acting like Winston did when we first got to Shattuck. He's very heads up. Very nose in the air. Very distracted. To the point where we walked right by a cat and he didn't even know it. He's younger and more active than Winston so it looks different, but I think it's pretty much the same.

He pulls a little, but honestly not that much. He sits on command. He's turning on command. We practiced that once.

I used the collar a few times in the first block, especially by that poop spot he went after the other day. The poop was gone, but he remembered exactly where it was. He seems to remember where he's seen dogs before and looks for them again.

The pager function absolutely works on him better than the electrical stimulation. After we headed back up Moraga(?) after Carmel I didn't have to use the collar much.

He got very interested in the Asian guy who is always out at that time walking up Coolidge. No whining or barking or pulling, but he was very interested. I used the pager to try to correct that. Not much good. He stayed "locked on" even when we got in the house.

Tomorrow I'm going to take him up Lincoln and see if we can get up to the temple and back.

Luckily I did not see any other dogs.

I am going to start using that head lamp. Some of these houses with the big trees are really dark. A flashlight and the controller are just too much shit to deal with.

Oh, I don't think that collar has as much power as the one we initially tested at Happy Hounds. Holding it in my hand, I don't even feel anything until 18 - 20. Dunno. They might not be very well calibrated and they might be very inconsistent from collar to collar. They might also be very inconsistent based on fur density, where it's placed, etc. Which I'm not sure I like as I'm saying this.

I may need to put it on my big scope and see what the hell it's doing ...

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