Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day two of early morning walks. This is maybe his 4th or 5th walk total. All around the full block. Today I went one block over to Laguna.

We saw another dog this morning and he was very hard to control with the pinch collar and the shock collar turned up into the 80s. He was up on his hind legs and pulling. I had to basically drag him across the street. He was whinning. He didn't seem angry and his hair wasn't up or anything. I think he just wanted to play.

He also got a smell of something behind a fence, maybe a cat, and was very stubborn. No jumping on that one. Again the shock collar was only marginally effective.

As a result I have a nice blister on my hand from gripping the leash when he took off.

All this was in the last block of the walk. I thought I was home free! Not. :-(

He was a little more "pully" this morning. Still very heads up and smelling the air. More heads down than yesterday. I used the shock collar more this morning than yesterday morning.

I think the collar is either not working right or losing power. When I put it in my hand I can't even feel it until it's up to 18 or 20. At the highest I had it today I could feel his muscles reacting through the leash. So it's working, just not on the low settings.

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