Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ok walk yesterday

Pretty good walk around the block yesterday. Ran into one other person walking dogs and Oz freaked again. This time he did not trip me up and pulled a lot less than before. He has gone to be very vocal as a way to express his reaction. I feel like that takes up a lot of the energy he was expressing physically before. Not that I know crap about any of that, just a guess.

Teri was along for the walk. I need her to get used to how he behaves, what he gets distracted on, etc.

I think he's beginning to figure out where our house is relative to the rest of the block. One of the reasons I'm sticking to just our block now is to reinforce that. Hopefully he'll be less intent on what's on the other side of the fence if he can remember that he's been over there before.

I've realized that if I go one way on the walk, the timing works out such that we see other dogs. If we go the other way, we miss them. So, it'll be the other way from now on.

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