Sunday, October 9, 2011

I AM the king!

Oz is the best! He puts up with sooooo much from Radar it's crazy. I don't know what their bond is but it's pretty strong.

This was a little while ago. Teri got the shot. They had been chasing each other around for about a half an hour at this point. We got them a couple new bones on Thursday and it's been steal the bone, hide the bone, hog all the bones since then. There is bone dust all over the place. Kinda gross. Good thing we sweep and vacuum a lot. Well, Teri does most of it.

Oz has been doing better at barking and growling at people and dogs out front. We've been able to catch him in the act. He gets a squirt in the face or sometimes the butt and a good scolding. He's beginning to understand that we don't approve. He's actually backed off several times and stopped in his tracks a few others. Radar is too. Which helps. Oz will come to Radar's defense in a split second and he is determined when he does it.

Now if we can just get him to be cool with Dr. Lawrence! One thing at a time I guess.

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